Overton Window is the range of topics that are socially acceptable to bring up without being ridiculed or criticized

The Overton Window in the Context of Artificial Intelligence
A concept originally applied to political policies, is increasingly relevant in the realm of artificial intelligence.

It represents the range of AI-related ideas, innovations, and policies that are deemed acceptable or normal within public discourse at any given time. As AI technology rapidly evolves, so does this window, shifting to encompass new ethical considerations, technological capabilities, and societal impacts.

This evolving window of discourse in AI not only reflects public sentiment and regulatory landscapes but also guides the development and adoption of AI technologies, shaping how they are integrated into various aspects of our lives.

Yesterday it was:
Unthinkable — Radical — Acceptable

Today is:
Sensible — Popular — Policy

Tomorrow will be:
Unthinkable — Radical — Acceptable

Iterative Deployment

Iterative deployment in AI involves gradually rolling out AI systems in a series of incremental updates, rather than deploying them all at once.
This approach allows for continuous improvement and optimization of the AI system, as well as the ability to quickly identify and address any issues or bugs that arise.

In addition, iterative deployment provides time for people, society, and institutions to adapt to the changes brought about by AI. By gradually introducing AI systems, organizations can help ensure that people have the necessary time and resources to understand and internalize the implications of these systems, and to adjust their practices and processes accordingly. This can help minimize disruption and resistance to AI, and promote more widespread acceptance and adoption of these technologies.

Overall, iterative deployment in AI can lead to more effective and sustainable AI solutions, while also promoting greater trust and confidence in these technologies.

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Site by Iashido MediaLab°
WP Theme: — System — International°
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning